Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Letting go has been the best thing I could possibly do.

I feel about a million times better.
There really is a light at the end of the tunnel.
It's too bad that I had to have him be so mean to me to realize his flaws and that I'm that much better than he will ever be.

I'm in a better, happier place right now.
I am the only one who has control over how I'm feeling,
and I'm choosing not to be in a bad mood or be down about it.

Wayne gave me fantastic advice:
Don't waste time worrying about the things you have no control over.
Just that one sentence has helped me change my outlook.
I stress over things and people I can't change,
what's the point?
I don't want to be that person anymore.
I'm sick of being bummed over dumb guys,
it doesn't make sense.
Why should I allow others to control my happiness?

I have my friends, who make me more happy than I could ask for.
They make me laugh all the time, and I can talk to them about any & everything.
They're my rocks, and I couldn't ask anything more from them.
I also have to credit them for helping me become the person I am at the moment.
Honestly, they're the best and I love each of them so much.

I'm finally excited again for the future.
Moving back to Sacramento is going to be fantastic,
and I'm so stoked about it. =)