Friday, March 6, 2009

so i changed the layout of my blog, conformed to blogger's templates.
i like it better; it's not so "emo" and it's much simpler.

i've just been lounging around lately. i need to find a hobby.
it takes me about a half hour after i get home from work to be bored. blah.
i'm missing the ex, more than i thought i would.
and i miss my dogs when they're with him for their "week",
they seem to keep me a bit more entertained.

and keeping with the pathetic theme...
i got into an argument with the douche from months ago.
which seriously started with him "accidentally" texting me with
something he meant to send the girlfriend and I responded with,
"riiight. well have fun with that."
which I guess was an invite to verbally attack me for 2+ hours.
it honestly made me sick to my stomach.
i don't know what i possibly could've done to someone to
make them talk to me that way.
i guess it just proves what i've known all along - the boy's got issues.
major issues.

to talk about my dad who passed away 12 years ago? honestly.
i just wish i wouldn't have responded to his original text at all.
it still doesn't excuse calling me crazy names and being a complete asshole.
it upset me last night, but now i'm just over it.
he's a loser and his words mean absolutely nothing to me.

ok, i've wasted far too much on that stupid incident.
guess i just needed to vent.

i need to find a second (or third) job.
i'm sick of being broke.
unfortunately, the probability of finding another job is quite unlikely.
i pretty much would take anything right now, though.
just a few extra hours a week would be super nice.

ahhh, i sound so negative & pessimistic...
must be pms-ing.
i'm gonna go do something productive...
& possibly try out mystic tan. ha.