Monday, May 11, 2009

so it's finally over.
he told me we need to get to know ourselves as individuals,
and to figure out what we want on our own.
crappy thing is, i know what i wanted. i wanted him.
i guess it was too little too late.
i felt like he'd stopped trying once i moved away.
like he was just going through the motions.
he said i degrade him when i'm around my friends,
that it seems like i think i'm better than him.
and he can't be himself around me.
sure, sometimes he gets on my nerves,
sometimes he's a bit much,
but i've never asked him to change. not once.
he said we've run our course.
i haven't felt like this in a long time.
i've only had 3 serious relationships,
and now i'm remembering why i hate them.
because the last 3 years are just...gone.
my best friend is gone, my rock is gone.
i can't be friends with him,
i can't talk to him.
not right now.
he didn't talk to me, he let feelings build up,
making his ill feelings toward me worse.
which isn't fair.
& then there's our trust issues.
he did things i never though he'd do,
and he doesn't understand why it's still hard for me.
so i spent an hour explaining that to him.
i also spent an hour sobbing.
he knew what my intentions were,
he knew where i wanted things to go.
i just wish he'd done this 3 months ago,
when i moved up here, and he stopped trying.
because i could've been 3 months past this,
3 months closer to being over it.
instead i'm at step one,
and i don't know what to do.
i just feel sick to my stomach,
and completely heartbroken.
this is such a crappy feeling,
i hate feeling so damn lost.

well, hey, maybe i'll get some inspiration
for my creative writing out of this.


Short Chick said...

I'm always hurts the same no matter when or with who and feels like it's the end, but you'll get through it....I can tell you're a strong girl!!;) Take care!