Sunday, October 26, 2008

I can't deal with this.
He hurts me too badly.
I can't even imagine what it would be like if it ended up being more.
It would be filled with drama, and that is most certainly something I don't want.
It would be miserable, it would be chaotic.
There are some things I have to realize I can't do,
and this is one of them.
I guess he's always been a project to me.
He's always been the one that got away.
This time, he was my scape goat out of a relationship that I no longer wanted,
an excuse, my excuse.
I can't change him, obviously.
He's been the same since I met him, just older and more screwed up.
More than anything, I'm annoyed with myself for getting involved.
I should know better by now.
He's an egocentric rogue.
I'm entirely too good for this whole situation.
I can only take so much before I break,
and he's honestly pushed me to that place.

I've really never met anyone who misconstrues things as much as he does.
He takes my light-hearted comments and invitations
and twists them into me being crazy and needy.
I don't know how he does it,
but in every instance, I become the one at fault for everything.
Who does that?
What's odd is that he can be totally nice to me.
But that person exists 2% of the time,
versus the insane, dramatic, narcissist that inhabits him the other 98%.

I fall for all the wrong people at exactly the right times.
It's a habit that I have to shake.
I have to realize I can't take on guys as "projects".

...I just need to stop looking.