Sunday, March 22, 2009

changing the blog colors again.
wasn't easily readable for others.
& what good is that for a blog?
so now it's simple & minimalist.
just wish i had a way to incorporate
my baroque background as i have
on my twitter & myspace. ah well.
i'm sure i'll mess with it again soon.

so this twitter thing is pretty much
my favorite thing.
it's such a reflection of our culture today.
how nosey we all are, how we have the
need to know everyone's happenings
at all times of the day.
especially with celebrities.
i mean, when i was younger and "idolized"
someone, i couldn't see what they were
doing at every second.
i had to wait for a new magazine interview,
or just watch their videos on TV and hope
that they would make an appearance on TRL.
and if i was really lucky, they might have
somewhat of a website. the "gossip" mags
were pretty much limited to people (which
was, and still is, a more respectable
publication) and star, which also talked
about how aliens were inhabiting the earth.
not anymore.
with gossip mags like us weekly, OK!, and
any other one you can find in line at a grocery
store, we have complete insight to these
people's lives. especially now that these
magazines all have a twitter feed.
it's kind of insane, actually.
of course i've gotten sucked into all of it.
i'm in the generation of pop culture,
so it was somewhat inevitable.
and then with all the apps you can get,
it's so easily could i not?
& it's exciting to get someone to respond to you.
it makes all of the "celebrities" actual people.
it makes it feel as if they're attainable,
that you can be friends with them.
they seem "normal", if you will.
all of it seems so crazy to me.
a regular ol' guy can make a blog about celebs,
draw stupid things on them in paint and get
a video spot on britney's tour. nuts.
the internet has brought fame to a different level.
it's brought it down to us everyday people.
i'm very interested to see where all of this goes 
in the future. whooo knows?