Tuesday, March 24, 2009

twelve years ago today, my dad took his life. he was 32.
it's not something i talk about often,
because it still hurts that he's gone.
i've dreaded this anniversary. because this is the year
that he's been out of my life longer than he was in it.
it sucks.
i constantly wonder what my life would be like if he
hadn't left. i'd be a completely different person.
my life would be a totally different life.
not a day goes by that i don't think of him.
i can remember his smell as if i smelled him yesterday.
it was raining the last night i saw him.
i asked him if i could stay the night at his house, and
he told me not that night. which, looking back on it,
was odd. he never denied a sleepover.
he took my sister & me to grupe park that day. we climbed
the backstops at the baseball diamonds.
i remember him distinctly saying "stick your butt out"
when i was attempting to climb higher.
weird. he never said "butt", always "bottom".
i was 11. i had no idea what was going on with him.
had no idea the demons that had haunted him his whole life.
he wasn't always the best dad, but it was because of
the depression, and he really did try his hardest.
friends & family constantly remind me how much he
loved the two of us. we were his world.

i just wish he had been here for the big events in our lives.
he missed my first day of high school.
he wasn't there to threaten death on some stupid boy
who had broken my heart.
he wasn't there when i graduated high school.
he didn't get to see amanda get married and
have a baby.
i won't have my dad to walk me down the aisle
if i ever do decide to get married.
and now he won't be here to see my nephew be born.

twelve years later, when i think about all of those things,
i still get angry.
i find myself wishing he'd just thought of those things,
pictured them in the future, and maybe changed his mind.
twelve years later, i still miss him like the day i found out
that he was gone.
he was supposed to teach me to snowboard.
he was supposed to take me camping in the mountains
that summer.
so many things i never got to do with him,
so many things i'll never get to do with him.
day after day, i wish he was still here with me.

today, twelve years later, things still aren't any easier...


Short Chick said...

You made me tear up....Thank you for being so open and honest and I'm terribly sorry for you loss!

Samantha Ward said...

I definitely cried reading this.
I can't even imagine how hard this is for you, but I am proud of you for being so strong and being able to talk about it.

merc. said...

thank you guys for the words of awesomeness.