Wednesday, March 25, 2009

(tweaked the layout/html yet again.
hopefully everyone can read it this time.)

yeah, so yesterday sucked.
i really didn't think it would be that hard,
but it was. it really was.
i really appreciated all the messages, texts,
comments, and phone calls from everyone.
it made it just a bit easier to get through.
i had to work, but i really tried to stay positive,
and even got compliments from my co-workers,
which definitely made staying upbeat worth it.
i also went to dinner with the ex.
he really is amazing.
he's the one person i can cry in front of
and not feel like a crazy person.
& he helped me countdown until midnight,
when the day was finally over.
i made it through, in one piece, barely.
never have a i cried so much in one day.
but, today, is a different day.
from here on out, he's been gone longer than
he was in life.
i can deal. i can accept it.
but i need to deal with this anger.
still, today, i'm starting over.
i know now that i'm going to be ok.


Short Chick said...

You are a strong chica!!