Thursday, June 25, 2009

wow. i haven't blogged in forever.
mainly because i haven't had internet on my macbook.
i'm hijacking someone's wifi at the moment.
wish i would've known about it a month ago. ha.
ugh. i have nothing insightful to writetype about.
i'm not feeling creative and am having a bit of writer's block.

so...i'm apartment hunting with the roommate & a friend.
i'm super excited to move,
even though it's very likely it will be out of midtown.
just on the outskirts isn't so bad, though.
we'll just have to have a dd when we go out now.
the actual act of moving is gonna suck, definitely.
oh well.
if we get the place we're looking at,
it's well worth it.
so we're crossing our fingers.

so my nephew is getting crazy big!
he's so incredibly adorable.
i really wish i was around more often to see him,
but it's actually kinda cool to not be,
because then i get to see how much bigger
he's getting in between visits.
he looks so much like my sister. so cool.
it makes me want one someday,
but we'll see about that.
i thought i'd met the person for that,
but it didn't turn out so well.
i digress...

well, i'm tired.
and i just wanted to update,
so it hadn't been a million years.