Sunday, May 30, 2010

For as long as I can remember,
I've never wanted kids. No way, no how.
But, the last couple months, I've been slipping.
My "biological clock" has been ticking.
I'll see babies and think they're cute
and how it might be fun to have one someday.
Then I think again...
And this sounds totally cheesy,
but Big said it best in "Sex and the City 2":
"We're adults without kids, we have the ability
to design our own life."
People seriously think I'm crazy when they
hear I don't want kids.
They always tell me I'll change my mind.
"Not gonna happen," I say. "I haven't wanted
them since I knew what other kids were, I'm
about to be 25 and my mind still hasn't changed."
Maybe it's selfishness, maybe I didn't get
the maternal gene, maybe I just hate the world
enough to not want to bring a kid up in it;
but the bottom line is, I seriously don't want them.
I love my life the way it is, I don't want that to change.
I'm also lucky enough to be in a relationship with
someone who shares my same thinking.
It certainly makes things a lot easier,
one less thing to worry about.
It's definitely put a strain on previous relationships,
which I think partially lead to their demise.
Plus, I'm an auntie now: I can still hang out with
my nephew and spoil him, but I can also give him back
when he starts to cry or needs a diaper change....