Saturday, May 1, 2010

I had forgotten what it was like to actually be happy,
because I had become so used to being miserable
that it just didn't matter.
I was in a rut for so long and didn't even realize it.
I had someone who cared enough about me to come along;
someone to show me how things could be,
show me the person that I could be.
He actually believed in me,
therefore helping me believe in me.
At some point, I had stopped believing in myself.
I had no motivation, no drive.
I was okay with being just "meh".
What it really boiled down to was I had lost myself;
I was no longer Mercedes.
it took some burning of bridges
and physically removing myself
from a toxic situation to get back to being me.
Even so, I have no regrets
and I stand by the decision I made.
Everyday I'm becoming a better version of my former self.
I'm finally going back to school
and am beyond excited about it.
Because I know it's the start
of something that's going to better my life,
which is all that I want for myself.
I'm raising the bar back up,
I'm getting back to being
the care-free dreamer I used to be.
It's been time for a change and I'm finally making it...